The Australian Government Productivity Commission: Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report, measures the well-being of Australia’s Indigenous peoples. The report provides information about outcomes across a range of strategic areas such as early child development, education and training, healthy lives, economic participation, home environment, and safe and supportive communities. The report examines whether policies and programs are achieving positive outcomes for Indigenous Australians.

pdfMedia release and key points (PDF – 319 KB)


pdfKey indicators and trends: Fact sheet #1 (PDF – 403 KB)

VIDEO: Indigenous Legal Needs Project

The Indigenous Legal Needs Project is a national research study of the civil and family law needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This new animated video identifies issues and findings in Queensland. This project was undertaken by James Cook University with support from Aboriginal Legal services around the country.



NEWSLETTER: Spring 2014 Edition Available

ATSILS Newsletter Spring 2014

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