JOB VACANCIES – We have 6 positions available in 5 locations across the state – Brisbane – Charleville – Ipswich – Murgon – Townsville

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (QLD) Ltd is seeking candidates for 5 new positions  in our Brisbane, Charleville, Murgon and Townsville offices.

Build a career in a legal environment & strengthen your actions in social justice for our people. 

View our Job Vacancies page for more information including position descriptions and details on how to apply.


1. COURT SUPPORT OFFICERMurgon – full-time, applications close Wednesday 3rd June 2015 at 1pm to 
Identified role – must be Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander candidate – we claim exemption under the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act, section 104. You must also have a keen interest in law clerk and court duties, current Driver Licence and meet other criteria. Please see the position description for selection criteria.PositionDescription_CourtSupportOfficer_Regional_Remote_022_0515


2.  LEGAL PRACTITIONER – Townsville – full-time, applications close Monday 9th June 2015 at 1pm to 
You must a current Driver Licence and meet other criteria. Please see the position description for selection criteria.PositionDescription_LegalPractitioner_CriminalLaw_009_0515


3. LEGAL PRACTITIONER – Charleville – full-time, applications close Monday 9th June 2015 at 1pm to 
You must a current Driver Licence and meet other criteria. Please see the position description for selection criteria.PositionDescription_LegalPractitioner_CriminalLaw_009_0515


4.  LEGAL PRACTITIONER – Ipswich– full-time, applications close Wednesday  10th June 2015 at 1pm to 

This is a newly funded role. Please see the position description for selection criteria. PositionDescription_LegalPractitioner_CriminalLaw_009_0515


5. ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT (Finance & Personnel) – Brisbane head office – part-time, (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday all day). Applications close Tuesday 9th June 2015 at 1pm to 

Minimum Certificate III in Business Administration qualification or five years in a business or accounting environment.   Please see the position description for selection criteria.PositionDescription_AdminAssistFinancePersonnel_041_0615_ATSILS


6. CLIENT SERVICES CO-ORDINATOR (Reception & Administration)Brisbane head office – full-time. Applications close Tuesday 9th June 2015 at 1pm to 
Minimum Certificate III in Business Administration qualification and at least two (2) years experience in professional services.   Please see the position description for selection criteria.  PositionDescription_ClientServicesCoordinator_033_0615_ATSILSPlease note that this role is not open to trainees or those without experience and qualifications.


View our Job Vacancies page for more information including position descriptions and details on how to apply.

JOB VACANCIES : 6 new positions currently available. Brisbane – Cairns – Murgon – Charleville – Townsville

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (QLD) Ltd currently has 6 exciting positions available in our Brisbane, Cairns, Murgon and Cairns offices.

Build a career in a legal environment & strengthen your actions in social justice for our people. 

1. COURT SUPPORT OFFICER – Brisbane – full-time, applications close Thursday 28th May 2015 at 1pm
Identified role – must be Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander candidate – we claim exemption under the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act, section 104. 

2. PRISONER THROUGHCARE OFFICER – Townsville – Female Clients – full-time, applications close Thursday 28th May 2015 at 1pm
Women candidates only – we claim exemption under the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act, section 104. You must have a current Driver Licence and meet other criteria. 

3. CLIENT SERVICES CO-ORDINATOR – Cairns – full-time, applications close Wednesday 27th May 2015 at 1pm
Two (2) years reception or similar client contact experience and a Business Certificate III or equivalent is essential. Sorry – no trainees please. 

4. COURT SUPPORT OFFICER – Murgon – full-time, applications close Wednesday 3rd June 2015 at 1pm
Identified role – must be Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander candidate – we claim exemption under the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act, section 104. 

5. LEGAL PRACTITIONER – Charleville – full-time, applications close Monday 8th June 2015 at 1pm
Two (2) years post-admission experience in Criminal Law ideal. 

6. LEGAL PRACTITIONER – Townsville – full-time, applications close Monday 8th June 2015 at 1pm
Two (2) years post-admission experience in Criminal Law ideal. 

View our Job Vacancies page for more information including position descriptions and details on how to apply.



Natsils Logo

The Federal Attorney-General’s Department yesterday announced it will reverse its decision and restored funding to NATSILS. As a member organisation we welcome the responsible step by the Government to restore funding to our national peak body. Given the country faces a national crisis with the rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people going to jail, it is crucial that NATSILS is in place and can operate with certainty in providing strategic advice to all levels of government.

NATSILS is a vital organisation in the legal assistance sector and brings together over forty years of expertise in providing quality frontline legal services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Read full Media Release here:


In the MEDIA:

ABC Radio
Listen to ATSILS CEO and NATSILS Chairman Shane Duffy Speak to ABC Radio’s AM Program about the last minute funding reprieve by the Federal Government.

ABC Online

Budget 2015: Indigenous legal services peak body to receive $295,000 funding in last-minute reprieve


First Nations Telegraph