CAREERS: Court Support and Field Officer Positions in SW & SE QLD


ATSILS Careers: Court Support and Field Officers


ATSILS (QLD) is seeking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates (only) for the following positions in South East and South West Queensland.

Field Officer Roles

  • Field Officer | Roma | Flexible hours, prompt start | Apply Now 
  • Field Officer | Cunnamulla | Part-time | Apply Now

Court Support Officer Roles

  • Court Support Officer | Charleville | Full-Time | Apply Now 
  • Court Support Officer | Murgon | Full-Time | Apply Now

These positions offer a fantastic opportunity to strengthen your commitment to social justice for our people and strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the criminal justice systems to better protect their rights. You will assist a highly supportive team of legal staff deliver services that are culturally sensitive and responsive to the needs of the client.

This role encourages a personable, enthusiastic and organised social justice networker to provide support, information and encouragement at a time when clients are often at their most vulnerable.  The majority of our client-demand provides excellent opportunity to work on the ground within the justice system – for example, at court, visiting watch-houses and in community, so as to ensure that clients’ legal rights are protected.

So why not head out into the wild blue yonder and forge an exciting legal career whilst enjoying all the lifestyle benefits working on country has to offer?


ATSILS Queensland provides a culturally rich, advocacy-focused workplace and attractive employment conditions including:

  • flexible working arrangements
  • structured professional development in conjunction with mentoring, coaching and skills feedback
  • above award conditions including additional leave
  • early access to long service leave
  • study leave for approved work-related courses.


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