2017 Lisa Watson Memorial Award – Congratulations Julie

Julie_LisaWatsonMemorialCongratulations to Julie Corpe on being awarded the “Lisa Watson Memorial Award” at our annual staff awards recently. Julie is our amazing Finance Officer & WHS Advisor at ATSILS HQ always willing to go the extra mile in supporting staff to ensure our clients receive the highest quality of service. Julie said “Lisa was such a beautiful soul and to receive this award it’s just such an honour.”

The Lisa Watson Memorial Award is presented each year to the staff member who, like Lisa herself, best exemplifies our organisation’s core values of care, share and respect.

Lisa was known for the level of commitment, integrity and passion that she brought to her various roles and was exceedingly well respected by all who had the privilege to know her. Lisa’s legacy shines on through our staff with her passion for social justice, her people and dedication to our important work continuing to inspire staff like Julie who is a most fitting recipient of this honour.

2017 Ricky Webke Memorial Award – Congratulations Rayna Smith

Rayna_RickyWebkeAwardCongratulations to Rayna (pictured right) for taking out the 2017 Ricky Webcke Memorial Award at the ATSILS Annual Staff Awards.

This Award is presented each year to our Organisation’s most outstanding Court Support or Field Officer. It bears the name of a truly remarkable man, the late and great Ricky Webke (known to some as George Appleton-Smith) – who was coincidentally, the inaugural recipient of this award when such were introduced on an annual basis in 2006.

Like Ricky, Rayna is a dedicated Court Support Officer, has performed her role with distinction and is passionate about doing her bit to enhance the lives of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members who come in contact with the justice system.

Court Support Officers perform a vital role, they are the frontline of our culturally competent service delivery with strong connections to community. They are experienced in assisting clients navigate the justice system and enhance communication between our clients and legal practitioners.

Congratulations Tim Hishon – ATSTILS ‘2017 Regional Manager of the Year’

Tim Hishon - Sunshine Coast Regional ManagerDirector of Sector Engagement and Communications, Graham White presenting 2 plaques to Tim Hishon our Regional Manager on the Sunshine Coast. One recognises Tim’s dedicated long service to ATSILS over the past 15 years’ and the other was awarded to Tim to pay tribute to his excellence in team management and service delivery as the winner of the ATSILS ‘2017 Regional Manager of the Year’.

The Maroochydore Team nominated Tim for his respect towards clients and team members alike. Tim encourages all team members to actively participate and contribute to workplace culture. Tim is a flexible, responsive Manager who is genuine, humble and dedicated to the ATSILS core values of Care, Share and Respect.