View: Job Vacancies | Student Placements
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (Qld) Ltd is a non-profit, community based organisation providing legal services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Queensland. We are funded by the Commonwealth government to provide culturally competent legal assistance in Civil, Criminal and Family Law matters. This includes Child Protection, Adult and Youth Through Care, Coronial Enquiries & Public Sector Complaints, and Community Legal Education and Law Reform advocacy services. We also have new roles in Closing The Gap policy development and Respect@Work initiatives, Mental-Health focused staff in ThroughCare and internally.
Through strong partnerships and funding success, ATSILS Queensland expanded its legal services and Through Care services to include new roles in a variety of locations since 2016. An increase in eight years of 20% has taken place to focus on early intervention services such as Child Protection, Youth Through Care and Community Legal Education. We have also increased staffing in high impact locations such as Rockhampton, Cairns and Mount Isa with new roles providing services for Children and Young People. Our first District Court Paralegal/Junior Legal Practitioner role in Brisbane was announced in 2019 for the Criminal Law team.
We employ around 300 staff in 25 offices located throughout Queensland. As one of Australia’s largest Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employers, we provide a culturally rich workplace within a social justice framework. We also offer attractive employment conditions, including:
- salary packaging
- flexible working arrangements
- informal online and structured professional development in conjunction with mentoring and coaching
- above award conditions including additional leave
- early access to long service leave
- mentoring and specialist advancement education supports
- study leave for approved work-related courses.
- Should you need assistance to apply for a role, please look at our How To Apply For A Job page, or ring us in Brisbane (07) 3025 3888 during office hours for some tips.
- We also run professional development programs in house, eg: Continuing Professional Development seminars for Legal Practitioners, online, self-paced learning etc., as part of our Workforce Development Strategy
- Occasional workshops in advocacy, mentoring, communications and casework.
View: Job Vacancies | Student Placements
Enrolled and currently studying students of Law, Criminology, Justice, Legal Studies, Advocacy and other related subjects or study pathways are invited to apply for work placements with ATSILS when they are operating. Please click on the above link to apply.
As we will be collecting your contact information, please read our Workplace Privacy Policy when applying.
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