Hervey Bay Community engagement and Service Access

ATSILS Hervey Bay

Our team in Hervey Bay joined the vibrant community Colour Run organized by @DeadlyChoices this week. Hundreds of Indigenous and non-Indigenous kids participated in the 2km Fun Run, along with some young-at-heart adults.

Our team was thrilled to be a part of this exciting event, and attended alongside local community organizations that included PCYC, The Neighbourhood Centre, Deadly Choices, and The Wesley Financial Counselling Service. We had a great time engaging with the local community and spreading awareness about our services.

More than 600 kids attended the event and were sprayed with coloured powder creating a kaleidoscope of colour. There was great community spirit present, and you could see it wasn’t just about winning, but about enjoying the experience to the fullest. The positive energy and infectious enthusiasm made it a day to remember.



Elders for Change – Townsville

Our CEO along with our Close the Gap Policy and Sector Engagement and Communications teams spent valuable time with Elders for Change while in Townsville this week.

The team provided insights into our Close the Gap Policy approach and discussed the complex justice issues facing the local community. The passion and vision shared by the Elders concerning their intervention and prevention approach were inspiring. The grass-roots justice reinvestment approach they deliver to the community is critical to addressing the drivers of offending and unacceptable incarceration rates.

ATSILS has long advocated for community-led justice reinvestment initiatives and it is great to see the Federal Government invest in this approach in Townsville. Elders for Change are helping to prevent deaths in custody by providing cultural support and, with the Elders’ guidance, offenders and prison staff are building better relationships which makes our prisons safer. They’re also building strong relationships with service providers in the justice sector to enhance service delivery to their community and divert people from contact with the justice system. These important connections with grass-roots-led programs certainly assist organisations like ours to fine-tune our service delivery in line with the needs of the local community.

We thank ‘Elders for Change’ for taking the time to share their wisdom and look forward to strengthening our relationship in the future.

Mossman High School Careers Day – Inspiring the Next Generation!

Mossman Legal CareersOur Cairns team held a stall at the Mossman High School Careers Day yesterday. It was a fantastic opportunity to engage with the community and give young people an insight into a legal career where they can focus on advancing and protecting the rights of people most in need of access to justice. One student said it was important to see ATSILS presence at this event, allowing Indigenous students to consider the possibility of working in the legal profession. There was also a great turnout of local stakeholders wanting to explore how to collaborate with our new Respect@Work Program which offers Community Legal Education to school leavers and students in alternative learning programs.

All in all, it was a great day out and we hope we played a small part in encouraging the next generation of bright young minds to consider a rewarding career in the legal assistance sector. Thank you to Mossman High School for the opportunity to engage with this fine region of future leaders and community organisations.

Helping Deadly Young Mob in Cairns “Get Work Ready”.

Once again our team in Cairns delivered the “Get Work Ready” community legal education workshop to IYMP (Cairns) students. The students are completing their final month of study, and this workshop helps prepare them for a successful entry into the workforce by providing timely information on their work rights, how to deal with employment disputes and the array of support organisations available to assist them on their career path.

The students were highly engaged in the session and left feeling equipped to approach the working world confidently. Congratulations to the students who have completed their certificates and all the best for a bright future in the workforce.

Assisting our most remote clients in Far NW QLD

Last week, ATSILS mobile legal practitioner Kevin Amantea undertook the remote court circuit in the Gulf country to assist clients and to help ensure our most remote communities have access to justice. Kevin said, ‘I enjoyed traveling to the Northwest QLD region of the Gulf of Carpentaria for work…. It was one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences of my legal career.

ATSILS currently employs two mobile legal practitioners as part of our innovative and agile workforce. Our highly experienced mobile legal practitioners travel far and wide across Queensland to assist with service delivery continuity and demand. They can be deployed to targeted regions to enable ATSILS to be more responsive to the legal needs of a community.

Happy NAIDOC Week 2024

Happy #NAIDOC2024

‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud’ celebrates the unyielding spirit of First Nations communities.
This year’s deadly NAIDOC Week poster ‘Urapun Muy’ (One Fire) is by Torres Strait Islander artist Deb Belyea.

Respect@Work – Community Legal Education – Cairns

Last week ATSILS’s solicitor Cicilia Halaholo presented our Respect@Work CLE session to a deadly group of students from the Indigenous Youth Mobility Pathways Project (IYMP).

IYMP in Cairns provides a training program for youth from the Torres Strait Islands and Cape York.

Our Respect@Work Legal Service focuses on preventing Workplace Sexual Harassment with casework and community legal education offered as part of the program.

Students showed keen interest during the workshop and are now armed with better legal knowledge to support their journeys into the workforce. The students were also given a range of ATSILS merchandise and legal resources to take home and reinforce their learning on the topic.

ATSILS looks forward to forging more community partnerships with IYMP to nurture a solid future for our youth.

Please contact ATSILS for more information on the Respect@Work legal service. https://atsils.org.au/contact/

ATSILS’s Managers’ Conference 2024

Last week the ATSILS’s Managers’ Conference was held in Brisbane. It was fantastic to have all ATSILS leaders in one place to discuss the key workforce challenges and opportunities impacting service delivery.

Congratulations to our HR Team on the success of the event. The team delivered a highly engaging program designed to equip our managers with more tools to manage change, address conflict, and overcome the common challenges impacting team dynamics which was well received by all.

Torres Strait Islander Traditional Child Rearing Practice Events – December 2023

Torres Strait Islander Traditional Child Rearing PracticeTorres Strait Islander Traditional Child Rearing Practice

Upcoming Events – North QLD

Bowen 6th December 2023 (9am – 3pm)

Mackay 7th December 2023 (9am – 3pm)

Join Cultural Support Officers from the Office of the Commissioner – Meriba Omasker Kaziw Kazipa, for upcoming events on Torres Strait Islander traditional child-rearing practice.

Delivering Community Legal Education to Hymba Yumba Students

Members of our Brisbane CLE team were out in the community last week empowering students at the Hymba Yumba Independent School to understand their legal rights.

Pree Sharma and Michelle Rabbidge delivered the community legal education session to the deadly young group. The session focussed on teaching the jarjums about their basic rights when interacting with police, what to do if they are stopped by the police, when to seek legal advice and what to do if they are a victim of a crime.

Approximately 30 students attended and were very engaged, asking great questions along the way. ATSILS regularly delivers legal education sessions to the community as part of our Prevention, Intervention and Community Legal Education Program.