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NEWS: Closing the Gap – The Prime Minister’s Report 2015


Publication abstract:

This is the seventh Closing the Gap Report produced since targets were set by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) in 2008. The report shows that although there has been some improvement in education and health outcomes for Indigenous Australians, most Closing the Gap targets are not on track to be met. The Government is continuing to focus on reform of Indigenous affairs and the positive impact that this will have on the Closing the Gap targets. There is a strong emphasis on practical actions to get kids to school, adults into work, make communities safer and advancing constitutional recognition.

Closing the Gap – The Prime Minister’s Report 2015

NEWS: Close the Gap – Progress and priorities report 2015

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In the spirit of an open and constructive dialogue between government, the wider community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the Close the Gap Campaign annually produces this progress and priorities report alongside the Prime Minister’s report.

Close the Gap – Progress and priorities report 2015