Happy International Human Rights Day!

Human Rights DayOn this day in 1948 the members of the United Nations General Assembly, including Australia, adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Fast forward to 2020, and in Queensland we now live in a State that has committed to putting people first through the introduction of the Queensland Human Rights Act 2019.

The historic Queensland Human Rights Act 2019 introduced by the Palaszczuk State Government draws on international human rights norms and recognises that every person has human rights and the right to enjoy them without discrimination.

Under the Act the distinct cultural rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are protected and Queensland is the first Australian jurisdiction to specifically list this right in legislation.

Understand your rights!

To access resources designed specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples visit The Queensland Human Rights Commission website.


Putting People First

View the first Annual Report on the operation of the Queensland Human Rights Act
