Partnerships enhancing access to superannuation services in the remote NPA region

TheONEWhat’s the best way to engage remote community residents with their superannuation?

Break down some of the barriers to access and bring your services to them!

That’s what QSuper did when it spent a week with community peoples up in the Northern Peninsula Area (located at the top tip of Cape York, Queensland), on January 20th-24th, in partnership with ICAN financial counsellors, the Indigenous financial inclusion team at Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand and lawyers from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (ATSILS).


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Community Legal Education Network Workshop

87464778_3196345357257220_5096653470425939968_oKate Greenwood our Prevention, Intervention and Community Legal Education Officer shares her wisdom on how to produce and publish podcasts as a medium for community legal education outreach.

Hosted in our Brisbane office training room this month, a network of community legal education professionals from Legal Aid Queensland and Community Legal Centres Queensland joined the discussion on how they structure and deliver their brand of legal education services to the community with Kate leading the discussion on how to produce podcasts.

Sharing knowledge and expertise with colleagues on a regular basis is critical to building capacity and enhancing services delivery in line with the needs of the community and it was great to host this inspiring group this month.



QUT Indigenous Pre Law and Justice Program visit to ATSILS

EQASA0yU0AEBze_It was great to have students from QUT’s Indigenous Pre Law and Justice Program visit our Brisbane office this week. These bright and deadly ones spent time with our team to learn more about the important role of ATSILS in the function of the justice system and our work in protecting and advancing the legal & human rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The students were welcomed by our Director of Sector Engagement and Communications – Graham White, and members of our Legal, Court Support and Prevention, Intervention and Community Legal Education teams enjoyed sharing insight into the key roles they undertake in delivering legal services to the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

Increased representation from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the legal sector is an important element in addressing the ongoing disadvantage our people experience in the justice system. AT ATSILS we are committed to fostering partnerships with progressive academic institutions like QUT (Queensland University of Technology) and welcome the opportunity to play our part in inspiring the next generation of legal practitioners along their career paths.

Photo Credit: (QUT Indigenous Pre Law and Justice Program)